Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

Post-Holiday Sales Tips & Marketing Strategies For Online Stores

Avoid the slump and boost your sales! Keep up with your goals after the holiday season! Increase your sales, build long-term relationships with your customers, and ensure them they will keep on getting wonderful deals even though the holidays ended! You only need to follow some easy post-holiday sales tips to overcome the holiday sales gap. Don’t know where to start? Syncee is always here to help you!

There is no doubt that the last quarter of the year and the holiday season are the most profitable periods for merchants. All the biggest shopping holidays date around this time of the year, like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Green Monday, Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Eve just to mention a few.

Many businesses have a hard time figuring out what to do next after the year-end rush. However, there are plenty of ways to improve and keep on boosting your sales. In this article, we take a quick recap of 2022 and present ideas on how to avoid the slump with great post-holiday sales tips.


  1. Reviewing Dropshipping & Ecommerce Trends in 2022
  2. 12+1 Post-Holiday Sales Tips
  3. Marketing Strategies to Enhance Your Online Store
  4. How Can Syncee Help You
Post-Holiday Sales Tips & Marketing Strategies For Online Stores

Reviewing Dropshipping & Ecommerce Trends in 2022

Before covering the topic of post-holiday sales tips, it is also an important step to review the factors that most characterized the year 2022 in terms of ecommerce in order to fully prepare our business for the next year. In the last couple of years, businesses had to face new challenges due to COVID-19 and now the increase in the cost of living. As a result, shopping habits have also changed considerably, to which businesses must adapt.

Some of the main ecommerce trends in 2022 :

  • Use of social media platforms as sales and marketing channels: More and more e-commerce platforms integrate with social media channels to help merchants reach a wider audience and grow their business, like Shopify x TikTok, BigCommerce x Snapchat, Wix x Instagram Feed.
  • Rise of visual commerce: Great way to differentiate your brand. Presenting high-quality product images and videos, user-generated content, also using QR tagging, interactive 3D visuals, 360-degree images, and augmented reality can improve customer satisfaction.
  • More personalized shopping experience: Personalization is key to building brand loyalty, reducing cart abandonment, and improving customers’ buying experience.
  • Mobile shopping is gaining ground: Mobile commerce is keep on getting more popular as a preferred shopping channel. Mcommerce is a great way to increase product discovery, engage and communicate with customers, quicken the checkout process, and most importantly it helps to reach a wider audience.
  • High optimization for mobile and other devices: Continuing the previous train of thought, creating a user-friendly interface is more important than ever. Optimization for websites, mobiles, and other devices helps to reduce bounce rates and improve the shopping experience.
  • Growing volume of voice search: The increasingly widespread use of voice-controlled smart devices (mobiles, TVs, home automation systems) influences search results and shopping outcomes.
  • Retail is now omnichannel: Engaging customers through multiple channels (e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, social media platforms, mobile applications) can increase your revenue, as it means more options to customers for shopping.
  • Al-assisted upselling and cross-selling. AI helps to get a better understanding of your customer’s shopping habits and to personalize your offers on your website.
  • Multiple payment options: There are plenty of payment methods besides credit and debit card payments that are more likely to increase conversion rate and the list is constantly growing: PayPal, Apple/Google Pay, Stripe, and so on.
  • Role of B2B is growing significantly: B2B ecommerce continues to be the fastest-growing channel.
Reviewing Dropshipping & Ecommerce Trends in 2022

12+1 Post-Holiday Sales Tips

We arrived at the main point of our article: ways to avoid the post-holiday gap. Shoppers love all the great deals that come with the holiday season, they are willing to spend more and make faster decisions. It goes without saying, that the end of the holidays most probably means a decrease in sales. You need to take some crucial steps to overcome the challenges and rise above the after-holiday slump.

The following post-holiday sales tips will help you to keep up your momentum for the new year:

  1. Capture traffic now and convert visitors to create loyalty
  2. Set up Google Analytics to uncover customers’ buying behavior
  3. Turn first-time customers into returning ones, send emails to refresh their memory
  4. After the holiday sales, start a winter clearance
  5. Encourage first-time buyers to return
  6. Release a new range of products
  7. Don’t forget about remarketing
  8. Take your time to build and boost brand awareness
  9. Learn from your experiences to prepare for next year
  10. Check for new dropshipping supplier partners
  11. Adjust your pricing strategy
  12. Hop on new trends

+1: Promote your products on Google Shopping: It’s an incredible way to attract new customers or gain more sales from your existing customer base. Imagine your products showing at the very top of Google – and the best part, you only pay for the advert, if someone clicks on it and visits your website! EKM’s offer can help you place your products right in front of people the moment they are looking for them on Google. Check it out now!

Marketing Strategies to Enhance Your Online Store

You might be used to the fact that sales and marketing tips go hand in hand. Now is no different. We have devoted a separate section to marketing strategies, besides the post-holiday sales tips, which are essential for the further development of the business. Engaging with your potential and existing customers is one of the most important tasks for online store owners.

Here are some ways to do it:

  • Run social media ads tailored to your audience
  • Create effective remarketing campaigns
  • Best selling list
  • Tap into the power of video marketing: go live on social media
  • Work with micro-influencers
  • Send coupon codes to new customers
  • Highlight hidden gems alongside your bestsellers
  • Implement pop-ups when a customer attempts to leave your site
  • Use vibrant, noticeable images and banners that stand out
  • Be proud of your product reviews, post them on social media
  • Share user-generated content on social media
  • Engage with your customers in the comments
  • Blog posts about best sellers and popular products, & tips on how to use
  • Send creative cart abandonment emails
  • Set up Google Analytics to uncover customers’ buying behavior
  • Send out personalized emails
  • Create catchy & appealing graphics/visuals
How Can Syncee Help You

How Can Syncee Help You

Now that we’ve covered all the major post-holiday sales tips, steps, and strategies to follow, it’s time to see how Syncee, as a global B2B dropshipping and wholesale platform can help you grow your business.

Syncee is an ideal choice for both new store owners and entrepreneurs with long-time existing stores. First, let’s see the benefits of starting your business with Syncee:

  • Find products to sell easily without upfront investment in stock
  • Contact suppliers directly
  • Boost sells quickly with effective features
  • Constant, free support

Have you already got a working online store and you’d like to grow your business effectively? Check what Syncee has to offer to you:

  • Broaden your product range
  • Enjoy cross-border ecommerce
  • High-profit, in-demand products
  • Pre-vetted local & global suppliers offering fast shipping
  • Automated product data synchronization processes

Syncee Marketplace is constantly growing with new suppliers and products, currently, you can browse among more than 5 million quality and niche items, 12,000+ brands divided into hundreds of categories.

Browse Syncee Marketplace and find your best-selling products now

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