Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

Best-selling Products on the Syncee Marketplace – Q1, 2022

The first quarter of this year is officially over, and here we are with a retrospection of the best-selling products on the Syncee Marketplace in the first three months of 2022. Do you want to open a new dropshipping business? Would you like to extend your existing online store’s selection? Or are you interested in checking which products are worth focusing on in 2022? Here we are with the answers!

It is always interesting to look back in time a little to check what products were in the main focus of customers. Knowing these details is also a great way to fine-tune the product selection in your online store to make sure you highlight products that customers actually demand these days.

Observe trends based on what we share with you here! We made a twist on all this, and while checking what products were trending in Q1, 2022 on our platform and creating this list for you below, we excluded winter products. Why? The answer is simple.

We want to show products that have a great chance to be bestsellers in your store in the rest of the year too.

Best-selling Products on Syncee Marketplace – Q1, 2022

Syncee is a global B2B dropshipping & wholesale platform designed to help retailers and suppliers connect. We have a huge directory called Syncee Marketplace where retailers can browse among millions of ready-to-sell products in almost 400 categories.

Suppliers from the US/CA/EU/UK/AU, and from all over the world have chosen Syncee to display and offer their products to retailers. It means you can find a potential partner for your business wherever you are.

Now let’s see the best-selling products on the Syncee Marketplace in the first quarter of 2022 based on what kind of goods retailers were looking for the most in our huge directory, and based on what were the best-selling products in this period.

Most Sought Products by Categories

First of all, we would like to share the product categories that were trending among retailers, and then, we will show you best-selling products as well on the Syncee Marketplace.

1. Jewelry

Even if we know that jewelry is one of the most sought products in ecommerce and customers love them (as they are cheap, easy to ship, and .. buyings happen often with them), we were surprised to see that the number one most sought product category was Jewelry on the Syncee Marketplace in the first three months of 2022.

2. Coffee

Coffee was the second on the list of the top-sought product categories. Well, even if people enjoy drinking hot coffee in Winter the most maybe, it is a product that people enjoy drinking a lot throught the whole year.

3. Lingerie

Lingerie is easy to ship. It is one of the biggest advantages of why retailers like selling these products online. From the other side, customers love buying these products, because these products can be cheap, and they can browse from a selection that maybe cannot even be found in their local market.

4. Shoes

It is again a product category that retailers enjoy selling and are searching for a lot. Many years ago people were afraid of buying these kind of products online because they were afraid that the size will not fit. However, nowadays the great and trusted refund and return policy they offer makes people be brave enough to get these products online.

5. Watches

Watches are evergreen products. Women, men, teenagers love wearing this accessories. Not to mention smart watches that are becoming more and more popular as years go.

6. Organic, Natural, Bamboo Products & Handmade Items

We were happy to see that organic products were in the top 10 most searched product categories in the first quarter of 2022 as well. In 2021 eco-friendly goods were the most sought on the Syncee Marketplace. If you read our article a bit further, you can see, these products were not only the most sought among retailers relating what products they prefer selling, but customers loved these goods the most as well.

7. Pet Supplies

This is a product category that also never gets old. People enjoy buying different goods for their little loved ones. There are so many kind of pet supplies you can sellin your online store, look for them on the Syncee Marketplace!

Pet Supplies

8. Men’s Products

Men’s Products are trending now! Why? So far, online commerce was focusing on mainly women customers. The change has yet to come! Now many online stores offer products for men in various categories to make the shopping experience even better for them!

9. Dresses

Dresses were a trending product during Winter because of two main reasons. One of them is that it wasn’t winter all over the world! The other reason is that many people prefer getting summer dresses when it is out of season as these goods are mainly cheaper during winter in many stores.

10. Furniture

Home decoration and furniture are two product categories that people prefer getting online more and more. The selection is much wider of these goods on the internet than what it is like on their local market. You can either pick a style to represent in your furniture store, or you can offer different styles of furniture as well to cover a wider target audience.

Now I would like to continue the list of the best-selling product categories without providing further notes for each one. I find it important to mention here as well that not all markets are the same. It depends on many factors what products would be actually winning in your target area.

Now let’s see ten other best-selling product categories on the Syncee Marketplace, Q1, 2022.

  1. Sunglasses
  2. Baby Products, Mum’s and Baby Products
  3. Plus Size Products
  4. Camping & Fishing Products
  5. Candles
  6. Handmade Products
  7. Bags, Handbags
  8. Fishing Productts
  9. Vegan Products
  10. Perfume
Top 10 Best-selling Products Q1, 2022

Top 10 Best-selling Products Q1, 2022

As the selection and inventory of a supplier could change anytime, I find it best to not link to specific best-selling products here. What you can find below is mentioning the best-selling products, and then recommending dropshipping suppliers who offer similar goods and are available on our platform.

We hope it will be helpful for everyone who is looking for these best-selling products and reliable suppliers on the Syncee Marketplace.

Bamboo Products

Eco-friendly products are winning in the online market. The number one best-selling products on our platform in the first three months of this year was a bamboo serving tray. Find more recommended eco-friendly products to sell in another article of ours.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Eco-friendly suppliers & best-selling products.

Home Decor

Posters were the most trending products in the home decoration category on the Syncee Marketplace in the first three month of 2022. The advantage of selling home decor in your store is that impulse buyers will often purchase goods from you.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Home Decor suppliers & best-selling products.

Pet Supplies

Pet supplies is another evergreen product category that buyers love to get. We would like to “give a shoutout” to cat products as these goods had an amazing spot on the list!

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Pet Supply suppliers & best-selling products.

Popcultural, Graphic, Printed Hoodies & T-Shirts

Streetwear is a trending product category in the last few years. Then, manufacturers, designers made a twist on it, and made popcultural, printed clothing items. Customers love these as they can express themselves by these goods.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Clothing suppliers & best-selling products.

Popcultural, Graphic, Printed Hoodies & T-Shirts

Personal Care Products

Personal care products were absolutely trending. Think about skincare products, facemasks, body lotions, bath products, makeup. You can find so many dropshipping suppliers on the Syncee Marketplace offering these goods.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Health & Beauty suppliers & best-selling products.

Food & Drink

You can think of common snacks, coffee, organic food & drink goods and even more! Everyone loves eating so with a great marketing strategy you can make sure they will buy products from you too just as customers loved these items in those retailers’ store who are using Syncee.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Food & Drink suppliers & best-selling products.

Kitchen Supplies

Kitchen supplies were another best-selling products on the Syncee Marketplace. The advantage of selling them are probably again that they are easy to ship and that you can find cheap goods too in online stores. Last but not least, the selection of special and useful kitchen supplies is so wide online.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Kitchen Product suppliers & best-selling products.

Fitness Products

A reason why fitness products were trending in the beginning of the year is probably related to new year’s resolutions. However, of course it is not the only reason why people loved these. Consider selling clothing and shoes for running, and equipments to workout activities or yoga.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Fitness Product suppliers & best-selling products.


Jewelry was the number one winning category on our list, and we could also see that among products that customers bought bracelets and necklaces could be found so well.

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Jewelry suppliers & best-selling products.

Hobby Products

Glitter and glue.. two products that are basically basics in the world of arts and crafts. There are so many kind of hobbies you could find products for to sell in your online store. How about focusing on DIY goods? These items are always trending, never get old. Offer them to not only children but adults as well!

Recommended Suppliers

Browse among Hobby Product suppliers & trending products.

If you want to see which specific products are trending in your location, check out Google Trends and analyze the result you see!

Want to find more products? Explore the Syncee Marketplace

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