Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

How to be a Good Supplier? – 12 Keys for Long-term Success with Dropshipping

Would you like to know how you can be a good supplier who resellers can trust in the long run? How can they identify you as a reliable, professional service at the first glance? There are many requirements a company must meet to be able to provide its products and services efficiently to retailers. When it comes to online trading, there are more factors that need to be dealt with. If you are supplying products as part of a B2B model only, or you run your business as a B2C enterprise as well, you have to face different challenges. By considering taking some of our advice below you can build lasting relationships.

Once you become a supplier who offers their products to online retailers, you have to be open to new opportunities and stay up-to-date with the newest solutions in online trading. For example, if you do not offer dropshipping service in this new decade, you slip away from a great number of potential clients. In general, there are some skills and traits you and your team need to be able to run your business in a professional way. Moreover, there are services and solutions you should definitely provide customers so they could stick to you and be satisfied with your brand.

How to be a Good Supplier?

How to be a Good Supplier?

It takes time, energy, and sometimes a little bit more money as well to meet all the requirements that are needed for a business that can be successful in the long run. You have to keep in mind that it is beneficial for both you and your retailing partners to provide every necessary information in detail, to provide the latest, cutting-edge solutions, and client-friendly service in all. Now let’s see the key elements on how to be a good supplier to have a lucrative business, and how to provide an outstanding, 5-star service to your partners.

0. Be Available on Syncee Marketplace!

It’s okay! No worries! It’s not a mistake that you see the number zero at the beginning! Our content now targets especially those who are listed on Syncee Marketplace which is a huge directory of hundreds of reliable suppliers from US/CA/EU/UK/AU + more. Here you can offer your products to a global audience of 65,000+ online merchants. You can offer them a powerful technological solution for automatic product data uploads, updates, and order data synchronization. It is a completely free opportunity for you without any hidden fees or transactions fee.

1. Commitment to Quality

If you do not want retailers or their customers to turn away from you and your products after the first sales, you need to be committed to quality to be a good supplier. The most important part of supplying products to other companies and to customers is for your products to be high-quality. You must be responsible and conscious. It is better for you, for your clients, for the customers, and for the environment too if you sell great-quality goods, and like this, you can also avoid complaint messages. When we are talking about quality, it also goes for the whole service you offer, like professional customer support.

2. Quick Feedback

Quick feedback is crucial if you want to have a great relationship with your retailing clients if you want to be a good supplier partner. If they have any questions about your products, orders, or there is an issue, giving a reply in a few hours is important! They can contact you via Syncee’s in-app retailer-supplier chat if you are listed on Syncee Marketplace, via regular email, social media, or phone. For outstanding customer service, you need to have empathy, patience, and persistence.

3. Fast Shipping

You need to provide great shipping conditions if you want to be a good supplier. Sell your items not just locally but globally as well. Make sure the shipping time and shipping fees you have are reasonable. Low shipping cost and quick delivery time can be the number one reason why a retailer chooses you as a supplier partner.

Fast Shipping is Essential

4. Offer Dropshipping Service

Online trading is blooming nowadays so is dropshipping. The number of online stores on the market is growing, and for retailing entrepreneurs dropshipping is a great solution as they do not have to invest money in product stock in advance. That’s why you should offer this service to be a good supplier, as more clients would choose you, and it would mean more income for you as there would be more order requests by customers for your products.

5. Competitive Product Prices

If you want to be a good supplier that is popular among retailers and is a very advantageous choice, you need to offer the best product prices possible. These should be competitive enough, think of your supplier competitors on the market. If your product prices are too high and it is not moving in parallel with the value and quality of your products and is also much higher than the average price for that product category, it is more possible that retailers will not choose you to partner with.

6. Great Warranty Service

To be a good supplier you need to have a good refund policy. It is important because if there is a problem with a product accidentally, or it gets broken during shipping, you need to be ready to manage this and solve the matter with your retail partner thus with their customers as well smoothly.

7. High Stock Quantity

If you are an online store owner and you are just considering offering your products to other resellers now besides also selling to customers, you need to make sure you have a high stock quantity. It doesn’t look good if retailers are browsing among products and they think that the quantity of each of your products is 5 or 7 items and not hundreds for example. Also, if you start working with more retailers, the audience who sees your products is wider, so the products can get sold out very quickly. If you want to be a good supplier you cannot afford this to happen with your business.

Sell Products That Are Actually Yours

8. Sell Products That Are Actually Yours

Retailers prefer those companies to work with who are real B2B suppliers. To be a good supplier you must meet this condition. You need to have a physical stock of your products. It is best if you are the manufacturer of what you offer. There are many layers of the trading model so to be a supplier company you do not necessarily have to be a manufacturer. You can work with manufacturers and resell their products as a distributor, trading company, vendor, not a factory. However, it is not recommended to become a supplier in any system while you got your products from another retailer.

Like this, the product prices in your online store are very high, you cannot offer high profit margin to retailers. For those retailers who would get products from you, it wouldn’t be a lucrative opportunity at all. If they notice your high prices they won’t even choose you to partner with, they won’t consider you to be a good supplier partner.

9. Don’t Make Significant Changes Without Letting Your Partners Know

There are many problems with making significant changes without letting your retailing partners know about it. Let’s say you want to offer way fewer products to retailers, and you do not notify your partners about it. They already uploaded your products into their store, maybe they are selling only your items, highlighting some of them, or even promoting them on Facebook and suddenly a great number of products become unavailable. Of course, they will go to you with complaint letters.

Another example is when you increase the price of your products without any sign. They are using their own markup on the products and if they do not notice your prices have changed, their income when sales happen will be less than what they expected in the first place. To be a good supplier partner for retailers make sure you avoid such inconvenient situations happening.

10. Be Able to Give Product Samples

Sending product samples can be important to many retailers so it is another key to potentially be a good supplier partner for them. They are sometimes afraid to start selling certain products before they made sure they are of quality. There is nothing wrong with it. Make sure you are able to offer those retailers samples who need them. It can help you grow your retail partner network.

11. Expertise in What You Sell

You need to be an expert on the product category you offer if you want to be a good supplier. Of course, it wouldn’t happen if you are a manufacturer, but it could if you are a distributor, getting your items from real manufacturers for example. Choose a product category you know well. If a retailer or one of their customers through them asks any questions from you regarding the products, how they work, how to fix it, or anything, make sure you will be able to help them.

Expertise in What You Sell

12. Deliver the Products in Time

To be a good supplier it is undoubtedly a very important requirement to fulfill your orders in time. If it doesn’t happen it can be a reason for many complaints, and those customers would be right. If you say you offer a delivery time of 3-6 days, it should arrive in 6 days the most, packaged right.

Are You a Supplier on Syncee Marketplace?

If you are a listed supplier on Syncee Marketplace there are some specific requirements for you to be a good supplier partner for your retailing clients. Besides making sure you meet the conditions above the best way you can, please check the factors below as well.

  • Answer Syncee support’s questions in 2 days at most. We never spam you, our emails are important. We appreciate your quick feedback.
  • Do not hesitate to let us know if you have questions about orders or anything related to our service. It is better to ask questions if you are not sure about anything than accidentally setting something incorrectly.
  • Let us know if you want to modify which products to integrate. We are here to help.
  • Do not change the discount you offer retailers in Syncee without letting us know. It might cause issues for some retailers if they don’t know about it as they have already set their markup based on the price they saw originally.
  • Manage retailers’ status in 2 days the most if you might have the pre-approval process set in Syncee.

Sell your products to 65,000+ potential dropshipping merchants globally, expand your retailer network easily. Boost your sales! If, as a supplier, you run your online store on Shopify, Wix, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Ecwid by Lightspeed, Jumpseller, or Shoprenter, install our Syncee for Suppliers app, and we will integrate your product data directly from your store and keep them updated automatically. Another option for you is to bring an always updating product datafeed file. Be a good supplier partner to your retailers, be the best!

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