Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

Syncee Rewind: 20 Most Popular Products in 2020

We collected which were the most popular products in 2020 among retailers. The selection you find below reflects well what this year was like. Top products by seasons, trending categories during the year, or essential health-related items. Join this exceptional voyage of rewinding this year to find out how you can prepare your online store for 2021.

Those articles are quite common in which you can find predictions of what kind of products will be the most beloved in a certain period of the year. This time we made a twist on this and made a collection for you about the most popular products in 2020. The relevance of this topic is to provide you a list that helps you examine this passing period in ecommerce. It is important because you can see what retailers were focusing on their sales. Moreover, this list may also show a hint about which were the most sought products by customers.

Most popular products in 2020

When it seems like it is not too late to hop on a trend then you can start selling those trending items next year too. How you can learn if it still worth focusing on, and why are they useful to know about?

  • Try Google Trends, use proper keywords, and check the result to see if people are still interested in that item.
  • Check your environment, your competitors, and review your own experiences to see what do customers demand.
  • If it is an evergreen product and you wish to sell it, make sure your store is unique in some sort of way so you can stand out from the crowd on the oversaturated market.
  • Another reason why we provide you the list below: it is always interesting to look back and see what the past was like.

Without further ado, let’s see which were the most popular products in 2020 among merchants using Syncee Marketplace!


These Were the Most Popular Products in 2020:

1. Dresses

Dresses are the definite winners on the list of the most popular products in 2020 among those retailers who were collecting items to sell in their online store. It shows that clothing is still the most demanded product line online. Retailers know it well, this is why they are looking for high-quality, pretty dresses that women can easily fall in love with. If you can make your store’s visitors be emotionally attached to your products, it’s more likely that they will buy from you. Another advantage of dresses is that they are quite easy to ship!

2. Shoes

There are so many people who are insecure about ordering shoes online because they are afraid that the chosen shoes will not fit perfectly. Well, there are size matters with clothing pieces too, and there is no reason to be afraid. Most of the online stores have good return and refund policies. As it seems, customers are less afraid of this nowadays, that is why retailers had a high focus on selling shoes this year. You can find great smaller manufacturers too with high-quality footwear, even ones who provide environment-friendly pieces.

3. Watches

Watches are easy to ship there is no doubt about this. What are the types of wristwatches retailers are focusing on nowadays, what were among popular products in 2020 in this category? Minimalist watches, smart watches, sports watches, and wooden watches are still interesting options—because of being eco-friendly—even if the demand for them are getting smaller as years go by. When summer begins more people are looking for wristwatches, then the next time when it peaks is the end of November because of the holiday season.

4. Face Masks

A product that you didn’t find in any years’ top lists. Masks have become one of the most popular products in 2020. Even those online stores have started to sell them that had nothing to do with health related items before. Because of the world’s health situation, we could easily say every second stores started to focus on selling masks as well. This is how it could happen that masks are among the top 5 products on this list where we are elaborating the most sought products by retailers this year.

5. Lingerie

Creating an online store that is focusing on high-quality, attractive and comfortable lingerie is a great idea. During lockdowns this year people started to take care about not just their health but about themself in general. Customers like browsing among lingerie online because they can find more unique pieces in online store, and a wider selection. This is what could inspire retailers besides the fact that lingerie is even easier to ship than other clothing items.

Health products

We discussed the top 5 highly sought items in detail. The rest of the most popular products in 2020 will be shown alongside a few reasons why there could be such a great interest for them by retailers, or why it is a special category in general.

6. Jewelry

  • The easiest product to ship.
  • It’s better to pick jewelry online for people because of the broader selection.
  • Most of the time these are cheap products, or cheaper than in brick-and-mortar stores thus customers more likely to order them from online stores.

7. Men’s Products

  • Online stores that focus on men’s products are becoming more popular. There are much more stores that sell beauty items, clothing for women, this is why it is a niche to focus on men too.
  • It covers several product categories. Grooming items, everyday clothing, shoes, suits, bags, accessories, DIY products, hobby pieces.
  • These items were among the most popular products in 2020 as the number of suppliers who focus on only men’s products is also growing.

8. Sunglasses

  • The demand for them is the highest in June, and then it is on a downhill from July. However, the demand is so high for them in general that it’s worth focusing on them.
  • Different styles of sunglasses are trending each year. Check for them to know which one to focus on. Look for EU-based suppliers to find unique and top-quality pieces that you can wake interest for in your customers.

9. Smartphones & Accesories

  • Among retailers smartphones and mobile accessories were also popular products in 2020. Merchants are looking for reliable sources to get them from. Smartphones are not the easiest to find a supplier for—and customers prefer choosing well-known stores to buy them from—, however, there are many manufacturers in the EU and the US as well which creates useful, modern and unique mobile accessories.
  • As long as there are smartphones there will be a significant demand for them and for their accessories on the market.
Smartphone accessories

10. High-end, Branded Products

  • In ascending order these were the most sought and popular products in 2020 among retailers: Nike, Gucci, Versace, Adidas.
  • Please make sure to not sell fake products in your online store! Always check the company carefully which you wish to start cooperating with.
  • It worth focusing on high-ticket products as most retailers are still choosing low-ticket items and the market is oversaturated by them.

11. Christmas, Halloween

  • It is not a surprise that on a list of the most popular products in 2020 we can find holiday related items. This is the time of the year when many people decide to open an online store in hope of selling a lot.
  • Retailers were looking for products which had a Christmas and/or Halloween theme. These can be decoration, clothing pieces, accessories, fandom items.
  • It is a good idea to sell aesthetic items in your online store related to holidays if it suits your business. If you are selling computer parts, it would be harder to do it.

12. Eco-friendly Products

  • Fortunately, there are more and more people who are taking care of their environment. It is really important to try focusing on eco-friendly products no matter what you are selling.
  • Some helpful keywords which may help you find these products when searching for them: organic, bamboo, eco-friendly, vegan, zero-waste, fair trade, reusable.
  • The list of low-waste products is getting longer as time goes, and they are getting better and better as well.

13. Plus Size Items

  • If you are having a clothing store, you should definitely give a shelf to all sizes, thus plus size products as well.
  • It’s your decision if you make a unique menu for them or just simply include them to be among other products. Some people may find it offensive to find these products in a separate menu even if it can be useful to find well-styled plus-size clothing items in one group.
  • It is still a niche on the market in some places. Check your local, target market to find it out.
Coffee at home

14. Coffee

  • People like relaxing with a nice cup of coffee. It is a great evergreen product.
  • One of the reasons why coffee items were popular products in 2020 is that cities around the world were under lockdown. Restaurants and cafés closed. Thus people found a way to still be able to enjoy drinking quality coffee at home too.
  • There are manufacturers who are not well-known worldwide, but are providing high-quality, special products. Check them out and provide unique items to your customers.

15. Leggings, Jeans

  • Opening an online store which is selling only pants, leggings and jeans is such a cool idea. It is not as common as a simple clothing store.
  • Find a style, and follow that line. It will be easier to build your brand if you find something you can focus on.

16. Baby & Kids Products

  • Skin-friendly, also vegan items are among the most popular products in 2020, and in baby and kids product categories too.
  • Find manufacturers who create quality baby and kids products, and be unique on your market with them. For example, if there is a popular and good brand in Poland, but it is not available in Germany, you can be the only one to sell them there.
  • The palette of baby and kids products is quite colorful. Find your niche in it, and focus on them.

17. Beauty

  • As women are the biggest target audience in the online world, it worth selling beauty products. However, only if you sell high-quality products with reliable sources.
  • Beauty products can be: makeup, skincare, fragrance, nailcare, haircare, and different tools for each of them.
  • You can target men, and even children as well with beauty products! Think about grooming, beard care, or haircare items, makeup, manicure related products for little princesses.
Fitness products

18. Fitness, Yoga Items

  • Fitness and yoga owned a significant piece from the cake of ecommerce as everyone had to stay home because of lockdowns. This is one of the reasons why these items were popular products in 2020.
  • The number of people who do sports is still low. This is why it is a nice idea to open a store with these products and encourage people to do sport activities.

19. Bikinis

  • Bikinis were the most sought products among retailers in June. It is a trend that can be observed every year.
  • The reason why it was among the most popular products in 2020 is that it is easy to ship, and retailers hopped on every years’ trend with this even if beaches were not as crowded this Summer as before.

20. Pet Products

  • The most popular products in 2020 in this category were items for dogs.
  • There are many retailers who are opening online stores focusing on pet products. The problem is that most of them get items from for example AliExpress. Those products have cheap quality, and can be found everywhere.
  • If you want to sell pet products, look for real suppliers, manufacturers with reliable service and special, quality products!

We could continue the list of popular products in 2020 with categories like furniture, backpack, perfume, or kitchen tools… but we hope getting to know about only these 20 products was a good help for you. Also, we hope you found this collection interesting and informative as well!

If you don’t know where to get products from to fill your online store with, why don’t you try Synee Marketplace? It is home to millions of products from hundreds of suppliers from all over the world. Find big and small dropshippers with quality products, and let the platform take care of the product data uploads & updates automatically for you. The app runs on more e-commerce platforms!

Try Syncee Now!

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