Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

Search Engine Optimization: Is It Important for Your Webstore?

Search Engine Optimization aka SEO is useful when you want to increase traffic to your website for free. With the help of SEO, your pages will appear among the first results of Google’s search page, which can easily mean some new customers for your online store. In this article, we are showing you the importance of SEO with several tips on how to improve the quality of it.

The working process

It is safe to say that a lot of people use the different search engines (Google, Bing, Ecosia) by writing a question into the box and waiting for a page result that will exactly match with their query. Well, this is almost how it works.

Search engines have a program that searches through to create an index of data. This index is helpful because it shows people the different results in an order that the page which has the best SEO comes first. The optimizations help the search engines to define which page is useful for the person’s search. Therefore, it is important for you to start developing the SEO of your sites so they can appear on the top of people’s search. Furthermore, you don’t have to pay anything because search engines don’t work that way.

Search. In the picture there is a laptop with the Google page open.

How to improve your Search Engine Optimization

Increasing your SEO is beneficial for your online store, therefore it is required to do so. Our tips will help you to boost your webstore’s products and blog posts (in case you have one on your platform).

Your online store’s name

Your online store should have an extraordinary name, because that way people will remember easily, and won’t mix up with an other webshop.

Title of your products, blog and pages

You should always think about a catchy title. This is what will make your customers and readers click on your page. It is really important though to create a title which has the keyword in it, because that way it will become easier for search engines to find the main aspect of your products and texts (because the keywords will also appear several times in your descriptions and content too).

Meta Description

The meta description is the short explanation of your products or texts which will appear in search results. It also has to show a call to action just like your title, because people will read this part too before deciding on clicking on your product or text. One more important thing is to also write the keywords into the meta description because this can ease the work of the search engines. As you can see in the example below our meta-description for the article What to sell in autumn 2020? appears like this.

There is an example on how meta descriptions work.
The Text

Your descriptions and blog post’s text should contain several important aspects too.

First of all, you should focus on answering the question or writing about the goods or topic which is marked by your title. It is very important because that way people will easily find them during their research and they will eventually understand the topic.

What is more, Google also checks whether the people who have searched for the product or question stay on your page for a longer period of time, because this indicates that you have valuable answers and you don’t use the keywords just to make people click on your page without any helpful information.

Therefore, high-quality content is something you must provide if you really want to show your and your niche’s trustworthiness and importance. And how do you do that? Let’s see some tips:

  • Keep in mind what you are writing of.
  • Use the keywords to help understand your product or topic.
  • Don’t write about unimportant stuff, people will get bored easily and leave your site.
  • Reread your descriptions and texts after you have created it, maybe another person’s opinion can change some parts for the better.
There is a laptop which contains a lot of pictures representing the Alt Attributes.
Alt Attributes

This aspect is important if your images don’t load in because of several reasons, e.g. there is difficulty connecting to your page or the image has been deleted. The search engine will still know what your text is about, even though there is no image available. You should absolutely concentrate on describing your images well because some keywords won’t help you in this case. If you put your keyword each and every alt attribute, Google might not like you for this action at all.


Your URL should be logical and easy to track. You shouldn’t use as many keywords as possible in this case either. It is not even necessary to change the original URL just because you want to include some fancy keywords in it.

External and Internal links

External and internal links can have a huge effect on your blog page if you own one. External links can be used to show the trustworthiness of your page as you use them as a source and search engines will realize if you used them. Internal links refer to your own earlier works and it can again show the devotion and honesty of your site, as you mention an earlier work of yours.

All in all, Search Engine Optimization is very important, because people can find your sites easier and you can profit out of it since more and more people can find your products because of it.

via WordStream

If you are looking for a one-size-fits-all SEO solution, SEO Booster will satisfy your need. All you need to do is clicking on some buttons then the app will help you optimize the SEO of your site within minutes by auto-scanning SEO issues with suggestions, diagnosing, and updating your meta description, just to mention a few examples. You can save a lot of time and get more visible on Google by SEO Booster’s auto-management feature.

To learn more about SEO check out this guide.

Are you looking for products to sell?

Syncee will help you with that! Syncee is a B2B service for dropshippers, retailers, and suppliers. The application is made for several e-commerce platforms. You can find millions of products here from reliable suppliers from all over the world, while it allows you to upload products into your online store from any supplier who has an always updating product data feed file.

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