Picture of Carol Duke

Carol Duke

How to keep customers coming back: 3 post-sale tips

Successful content marketing helps you to close sales with new high-value clients. Feeling the need of celebrating after closing the first sale with every new client is completely normal, but do not celebrate just yet.

First sales mark the beginning of your relationship with new clients, and at this point, only half of your work is done. After successful content marketing, you ought to figure out how to turn first-time customers into repeat and loyal customers who will serve as good ambassadors for your brand.

Why is retaining customers important to your business? According to RjMetrics, top performing companies get 60% of their revenue from repeat customers. However, having repeat customers is very difficult since 68% of customers will never purchase a second time. To discover how satisfied your current customers are, it’s a good idea to calculate customer satisfaction by measuring your CSAT and combining this with customer surveys. You can then use the feedback provided in the surveys to help you perfect your overall service to turn first-time buyers into repeat customers.

Afterall, one of the contributors to a great customer relationship is an excellent first-time buyer experience. Worried that your business is losing a lot of first-time clients? Here are three post-sale content marketing tips that will help you rise to the challenge of continuing customer relationships after the ink of the contract is dry.

1. Maintain engagement

For most marketers, gaining a high-value client and never seeing or hearing from them again after their first purchase is very frustrating. To avoid this, always have a post-sales marketing plan in place.

Post-sales marketing plans help you to maintain the trust of your customers, ensuring that they do not take their business elsewhere. When writing a plan, strive to create value at every stage by providing only high-quality for customers. Incorporate thoughtful strategies in your plan such as sending customers a simple thank you note or sharing their success story to make them feel valued, which in turn, cultivates brand and customer loyalty.

It is important to note that during post-sales marketing, you will be sending messages to different audiences, including people who have never heard or interacted with your brand. Therefore, make a point of drafting multi-faceted messages that speak to every member of the audience.

Create surveys to find out the content customers want to receive and how your business can continue to offer value to them. Additionally, remind customers how your products and services will benefit them in the future to keep them coming back.

2. Keep your customers happy

Do not assume that a customer is happy just because they purchased from you. The hard truth is that some customers will not be happy (probably about the customer service or the product they bought), and they might end up keeping your product and not using it. Some will dislike their experience so much that they will share it on social media or tell their friends and family about it by word of mouth.

One of your post-content marketing goals should be to ensure that keep and use the products that they buy from you because unused products reduce the chances of them buying from you again and increase the chances of negative reviews. Moreover, processing returns is an added expense to any business.

To make customers feel happy and valued, one must consider their needs and feelings. David Anderson, the founder of, says, “the main reason why businesses fail to secure repeat clients is that they do not consider how the customers felt before and after the sale”.

Businesses must learn to put the needs and feelings of customers first, and they can achieve this through:

  • Follow up campaigns, for instance via email to find out the level of customer satisfaction with a product or service
  • Enhancing user related guides to ensure that clients get useful information, making the buying process easy for them
  • Creating user-friendly instructions so that customers can easily learn how to use your product.

3. Keep repeat customers in mind when creating a sales process

Does your sales process encourage customers to keep coming back after the first sale? You can make sure that your clients do not feel like they have been left high and dry as soon as you receive their money by offering them small discounts that incentivize them coming back.

You can also offer to give them a discount on their next purchase once they share about their current purchase on your website or social media.


72% of customers are loyal to a brand because it provides unusually great customer service to them. To win yourself more repeat clients, ensure that you couple the tips discussed above with excellent customer service. Additionally, do not forget to put in place a plan that will help you keep up with current customers without being annoying.


When maintaining engagement with new customers, keep in mind that there is a thin line between maintaining engagement to build a relationship, and becoming a nuisance. The secret is to engage targeted customers without overwhelming them with many messages.

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