Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

10 Best Steps to Start Selling on Jumpseller

Before you start selling on Jumpseller you will need at least the following 10 steps to get going. In this article, we are here for you to help with the starting process as you are going to need the best list with ideas here.

What is Jumpseller?

Start selling on Jumpseller
Source: Jumpseller

Jumpseller is an ecommerce platform that lets you create your own online shop. It is really easy to create your online store here without any advanced IT knowledge. It is a cloud-hosted platform which means that you do not have to worry about losing your data like if you would use a software for this purpose.

Steps to Take When You Start Selling on Jumpseller

1. Create Your Online Store

First of all, you should create your online store. This process is not hard at all, you just have to try out the 14-day free trial and then choose the best plan for you and your online store. There are three different plans: Plus, Pro, and Premium. You can search for details about the given plan here.

2. Decide on What to Sell

Products to sell

It is really important to start thinking about what to sell. You might have already decided on what to sell before starting your online store, but it is not a problem if you do not have an idea yet. You just have to think about tiny things like going around the city to look around for ideas, or you can ask your friends and family if they have something on their minds which you can start selling on Jumpseller. You do not have to think about huge ideas because sometimes the smaller ones can cause the biggest change in some people’s lives.

3. Add Products

After you have decided on the products you can start adding them to your online store. You have to take the best pictures of your products so your customers will be able to decide whether they need the given product or not. You need to write the title, the description, and the prices too. They are really important data when you want to start selling on Jumpseller.

You can add products with the help of suppliers so you do not have to add the products one by one. Instead, you can upload products in bulk and do not have to worry about spending too much time taking pictures and writing descriptions. You can find different marketplaces for this purpose just like Syncee Marketplace where you can upload products easily in bulk instead of the one-by-one uploading procedure.

4. Your Audience

Online audience

It is very important to understand to whom you are selling your products. You have to understand the needs of the people and the way you have to address them. For example, you cannot really write in a too-friendly way if you have an audience with elderly people. But you cannot be too distant with the younger audience either. Learning about the needs of your audience is a huge part of the selling process.

You can create questioners about your products, your platform’s style, the shipping… so about everything that you feel is important for the development of your online store. Your customers will be more than happy to help you with figuring out these parts. They will feel that their needs are really heard and their ideas matter in the long run. Also, you can make sure that they will feel that if they have a problem, you will listen to them and help in the best way possible.

5. Select Your Theme

You can choose from different themes from the Theme Gallery and you can also customize them if you wish. Just make sure that it really goes with your store’s style and you can ask your customers again about this idea too. You have to pay attention to this aspect because your theme and the style of your online store will be the first thing which people will see and this is going to be their first impression.

6. Create the Important Pages

When you think about online stores, one thing is common in them. They all have some important pages at the top of their first page or somewhere else. In a good online store, customers can find everything easily and without any kind of problems. Therefore, whenever you start selling on Jumpseller, you have to make everything reachable. Create the most important pages for example Home page, Contact page, Product page, FAQ, etc. You can think of any kind of page which can be beneficial for your online store.

The most important thing is that it should be easily used by your customers. A great tip here is that you ask a friend or family member before launching your store to check if he or she can find everything quickly.

7. Importance of Suppliers

When you start selling on Jumpseller you can find different suppliers for your store. Syncee is a great opportunity if you are thinking about starting a dropshipping business, as your products that are from the suppliers who are listed in Syncee will be delivered to your customers’ door without ever touching the product and worrying about the shipping by yourself.

8. Marketing


If you start selling on Jumpseller, you should definitely consider your online store’s marketing. Nowadays, you have several opportunities if you want to show your products to bigger audiences. You can use social media for this purpose, or different email addresses. what is more, you can always ask your already existing customer base to start sharing your online store. You can always make a challenge for them too! Create a giveaway challenge where they have to share your products with some of their friends on social media to win some products of yours.

You can also choose influencers for the purpose of marketing. Just send them some samples of your products so they can talk about them with their followers on YouTube, Instagram or other platforms.

9. Payment and Shipping

The payment and shipping are two very important parts when you start selling on Jumpseller. You have to find the best payment gateway possible. It is up to you what to choose but you have to take your audience into consideration just as your preferences.

You can also create different shipping options where you take a look at your audience and your preferences again. You can offer free shipping after buying a given number of products or you can offer free shipping all the time. It does not matter until you are fine with the result and the given option.

10. Start Selling on Jumpseller

The last step is the best part of all the steps. You are ready, therefore you should definitely launch your online store and start selling on Jumpseller. Just like that! 🙂


Before you want to start selling on Jumpseller you have to consider several steps, but do not worry if you follow our ideas you will be successful in launching your online store and starting this great adventure of your lifetime.

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