Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

Eco-friendly Products Your Customers Will Love

If you are thinking of selling eco-friendly products in your new or existing online store, you might have the best possible idea in mind. The number of people being environmentally conscious is constantly growing thus it’s worth focusing on these trending products. However, before jumping right into opening a new store just because the chosen product is trending now, there are factors you must consider.

Now we will not only share great ideas with you to sell in the eco-friendly product category but we will also let you know how you can get to know if something is worth selling to your target audience or might be too risky.

Well, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but we hope we can share at least a bit helpful knowledge with you.

Environmentally Friendly Products

Factors to Consider If a Product is Worth Selling

Everything depends on your local market, your target audience. Whether there are competitors locally, or if there is need for that particular product at all. You also need to consider geographical matters just like thinking about demographical details.

How to research market demands? What questions to consider?

  • Check Google Trends for the top search queries made on Google to find what is trending now
  • Use relevant keywords in your research

Relevant keywords to eco-friendly you can use in your research both in finding out whether your target audience is interested in a chosen category, or when looking for products to sell and suppliers to work with: zero waste, fair trade, organic, bamboo, reusable, recycled, sustainable, environmentally friendly, environmentally conscious. How could you continue this list?

  • Browse on social media by hashtags & check influencers’ profiles, posts, the comments
  • Examine YouTube videos and comments
  • Create questionnaires, post questions in relevant Facebook groups, forums
  • Look for analytics, market data in reliable, professional sources
  • Check what the trending products are on the market locally and globally
  • Check what is missing from your target market
  • What kind of products your target audience is in need of
  • What kind of products have potential in them you could awake interest for
  • What are you personally interested in?
  • What are your target audience’s shopping behavior, habits, and qualities like?
  • Find something your target market is not oversaturated with
  • Find product niches with low competition in your target market

Before launching your business, it is also best to build a buyer persona for your business. You can define your buyer persona based on these factors:

  • Demographics (age, gender, location, education, family size, income, married or not, having kids or no)
  • Job details (eg. job title, position, company sector, company size)
  • Hobbies
  • Goals & challenges (main+secondary goal, primary+secondary challenge, how you can help them reaching and resolving these)
  • Values & fears (what they value and fear during the sales process)
  • Psychographics, identifiers (beliefs, culture, attitudes, personality traits)
  • Buying behavior (eg. compare prices a lot, trend-follower, or choosing unique items)
  • Influences (receive influence from ads, social media and YouTube influencers, preferred media outlets)
  • Their buying preferences

If you want to learn what factors you should consider when choosing a supplier partner, we have already covered that topic as well. Now let’s dive into the details of what eco-friendly products are worth selling, what your customers will love.

Environmentally Consciousness

Eco-friendly Products Worth Selling

It is the best time to start selling eco-friendly products. You just need to make sure you can stand out on the market. Add something extra to your service. Give retailers a reason to choose you over other online stores.

We are now here to help you find ideas on what to sell in the eco-friendly product category that there is actual demand for.

Eco-friendly – Accessories

Would you think that there are various eco-friendly products that are actually accessories? These can be jewelry, bags, hats, gloves, and everything you can imagine. You can sell the same accessories as you would offer in a not eco-friendly store. You will find relevant eco-friendly products too.

Suggested Suppliers

Please note, you can find more suppliers in this category on the Syncee Marketplace.

Product Recommendation

Eco-friendly products: Accessories

Eco-friendly – Clothing

Vegan, eco-friendly products are beautiful. Not just because the manufacturers of them take care of the product creation a lot to make sure people will love these goods, but some of the main focus features of them are sustainability, practicality, functionality, and durability.

Suggested Suppliers

Please note, you can find more suppliers in this category on the Syncee Marketplace.

Product Recommendation

Eco-friendly Clothing

Eco-friendly – Food & Drink

In the eco-friendly product category we can mention food & drink as well. Eco-friendly food & drink products stand for being organic and vegan, and often using recycled or recyclable material at the packaging. There is nothing better than healthy, organic, bio food or drink! Your customers would love them too.

Suggested Suppliers

Please note, you can find more suppliers in this category on the Syncee Marketplace.

Product Recommendation

Eco-friendly Food & Drink

Eco-friendly – Gifts

Basically any eco-friendly product can be a gift to family members, friends, and colleagues. Launching a store with a message that you sell only eco-friendly gifts is a great niche on the market. It’s a good idea to open such a business. Just browse the other categories as well to best find products for this field.

Suggested Suppliers

Please note, you can find more suppliers in this category on the Syncee Marketplace.

Product Recommendation

Eco-friendly Gifts

Eco-friendly – Health & Beauty

In the category of eco-friendly products we can mention health & beauty goods as well. These products are organic, vegan, and we can mention recycled or recyclable packaging here as well. People love these goods, that’s why you should also consider selling them.

Suggested Suppliers

Please note, you can find more suppliers in this category on the Syncee Marketplace.

Product Recommendation

Eco-friendly - Health & Beauty

Eco-friendly – Home & Garden

Home & garden products are probably the most famous when it comes to talking about eco-friendly goods. Think about all the kitchen-related products such as straws, plates, cups, bowls, toothbrushes, and many more. Check your competitiors to make sure you wouldn’t sell the same products from the same suppliers.

Suggested Suppliers

Please note, you can find more suppliers in this category on the Syncee Marketplace.

Product Recommendation

Eco-friendly - Home & Garden

Eco-friendly – Toys

Not only women and men but children as well can be a focus of your online business if you want to sell eco-friendly products. Wooden toys are one of the most famous products nowadays. Think about offering other mother & kids products as well such as washable, reusable diapers, 100% biodegradable wet wipes, and more.

Suggested Suppliers

Please note, you can find more suppliers in this category on the Syncee Marketplace.

Product Recommendation

Eco-friendly - Toys

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