Picture of Diana Adjadj

Diana Adjadj

How to grow your e-commerce store with content marketing

Every e-commerce store owner dreams of making his business profitable in the long run. But the problem is that it’s pretty challenging to beat the fierce competition and keep business afloat for many years.

According to the statistics, e-commerce stores, which have a consistent content marketing strategy, have in twice more chances to survive in the market. If you want to learn how to use content marketing tools and how to make your business thrive, keep reading.

Start a blog

Today, if you want to achieve success in business, you must run a blog. You should regularly publish high-quality articles to win the attention of the target audience and drive more traffic to your e-commerce store. Statistics say that if you post new content at least 16 times per month, you will get in 3.5 times more visitors.

Remember that e-commerce content should be 100% unique, useful, interesting, and informative. And if you want to publish more than four articles a week, you will need to hire an in-house creator or to outsource writing services.

If you operate on a budget, you can hire a writer from Trust My Paper, or freelancer from Fiverr. Services of remote workers will not cost you an arm and a leg.

Also, keep in mind that your blog posts should discuss very specific, not general topics. For instance, if you sell vacuum cleaners, don’t try to explain to your readers how a vacuum cleaner works. Even kids know that!

Try to know your target audience better and make your content more useful. For instance, which problems will you discuss if you find out that 60% of your potential buyers are pet owners? Topics like “5 Best Vacuum Cleaners for Long Haired Dog Owners” and “How to Teach Your Pet Not to be Scared of the Vacuum Cleaner” seems to be great options to choose.

Optimize e-commerce content

In today’s business world, it’s important to clearly understand how to leverage content marketing for e-commerce with SEO. You should know the basic rules and principles of search engine optimization and follow them always.

Keep in mind that all textual content must be readable, skimmable, and contain relevant keywords. If you are a newbie in SEO, here are a few bits of advice for you:

  • Find the low competition high traffic keywords using Google Trends or Ubersuggest
  • Naturally integrate keywords into your e-commerce content
  • Use subheadings, which contain keywords
  • Start a new paragraph every two-three sentences
  • Avoid using passive voice
  • Keep your sentences short. The perfect length of the sentences is 10-15 words
  • Name photos and videos in a proper way. For instance, you should change the initial name of the picture “IMG_80542.png” to relevant product name “Smartphone_samsung_a7_gold.png”.

Create video content

Do you know what is the hottest trend of e-commerce content marketing? The video is becoming king. The facts are the following: video content has the highest ROI, and the demand for video content is rapidly growing.

So if you want to win the attention of your audience, you should take a cam and start shooting videos. Do you wonder whether you need any specific software to edit video?  In fact, you can create video content using free editing tools widely available online.

Here are types of video content, which work the best:

  • Product review. You can show your customers how your product looks like in real life, what features it has, and how it works.
  • How-tos. You can explain to your customers how to install, transport, or clean your product.
  • Unboxing. Collaborate with influencers in your niche. Send them free items and ask them to shoot the unboxing process. This type of videos works great on social media.
  • Educational. You can help your customers to learn more about your products, your company, and the niche in which you operate.
  • Round-ups. Modern users like to get some useful tips and tricks from experts in the field. As a rule, videos like “5 ways to use product X” or “4 simple steps to choose the right product X” go viral on social media pretty fast.

You can share these videos on your website, YouTube, and other social media platforms.

Be active on social media

Social media turned the world of the business upside down. Modern customers don’t watch commercials on TV any longer. They don’t trust brand messages, which are written on the billboards. 

Today, customers prefer to search for information about brands and products on social media platforms. They tend to trust influencers’ opinions even more than they trust the views of their close people. Also, they demonstrate high loyalty to the companies, which interact with the buyers online.

It is obvious that you can’t ignore these trends. If you want to get your e-commerce store one step closer to your customers, you should do the following:

  • Set up business accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to start growing your social media presence.
  • Create your own branded hashtag. Make sure that it’s unique.
  • Post new content daily. Inform your followers about sales, promotions, special offers. Share the story of your brand. Give professional advice.
  • Interact with your followers. Answer all their comments and messages. Learn how to deal with negative feedback.
  • Share user-generated content. If your customer made a photo with your product or wrote a product review, don’t hesitate to repost it on your profile. This piece of content will help you to convince new potential customers that your products are worth the price.
  • Collaborate with influencers. It will help you to increase reach and engagement.
  • Run giveaways. It will allow you to build brand awareness and boost sales.

If you want to make your e-commerce content marketing strategy successful, you should do all these actions. The complex approach helps to achieve much higher results, then any uncoordinated marketing activities.

In conclusion

If you want to make your e-commerce store successful, follow the advice given. Also, don’t forget to watch the trends and adapt your marketing strategy to the changes, which takes place in the digital world. Don’t ignore the importance of content marketing, and then nothing will stop you from achieving your long-term goals.

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