Picture of Barbara Racz

Barbara Racz

Valentine’s Day Special: 14 Charming Product Ideas

Valentine’s Day is one of the loveliest holidays when people surprise their loved ones with special gifts. There are three kinds of groups: those who craft gifts, those who buy products, and those who choose experiences to give as a gift. Now we are here to give recommendations on what kind of fast selling products you can offer in your online store for all three groups of customers for this special holiday.

Every online and brick-and-mortar store is preparing for Valentine’s Day regardless of what their main product range is. If they are selling gifts, it is obvious that they will put heart-shaped items in their storefront, and lovely mugs and pillows and teddy bears. In case it is a shop that sells electronics, you can definitely find some DVDs with romance movies among their highlighted products just as chocolate fondue sets. If it is a clothing store? You can find glittery, red, elegant, pretty pieces of clothing items and sexy lingerie in their selection that is great for a romantic date and for a special night as well.


The History of Valentine’s Day in Brief

  • Valentine’s Day is called Saint Valentine’s Day as well. It has vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. The day got its name of a saint, but it is not clear which saint it was. There are several stories, legends around it. One legend is that when Emperor Claudius II banned marriage—because he thought it distracts men and they become bad soldiers,— there was the priest Valentine who broke the rules and secretly arranged marriages.
  • Another myth is that after Valentine was sentenced to death and was in jail, he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter, and before he was taken to be beheaded (which happened on 14 February, 3rd century A.D.) he sent a love letter to her signed as “from your Valentine”.
  • They also say the day has origins in the Roman pagan festival Lupercalia that was held in the middle of February. It included fertility rites and pairing women with men by lottery. It was deemed un-Christian and Pope Gelasius I declared it as Saint Valentine’s Day at the end of the 5th century to Christianize it. 14 February has become associated with love from about the 14th century. (source)
Valentine's Day Gifts

14 Charming Product Ideas for Valentine’s Day to Sell

It is interesting to know that almost half of the Valentine’s Day purchases (48%) are not gifts for significant others, partners. People like surprising their family members, friends, pets, and co-workers as well.

What you have to remember that women and men have different purchasing habits during this season. Tailor your newsletters, landing pages, and social media content keeping this distinction in mind. Have more kind of offers. Furthermore, do not forget to dedicate a special section in your online store for Valentine’s Day products.

If you are not sure about how you could make your online store be well-prepared for Valentine’s Day and what kind of products could attract buyers, check our charming selection below.

1. Lingerie, Underwear

Especially women, but also men like purchasing some special pieces of lingerie and underwear for the holiday of love. They like to surprise their partner with a night full of passion. The night’s crown is a sexy piece of underwear. Sell sexy and special bras, knickers, garters made by lace and different good-quality materials, and do not forget about quality pieces of boxers as well.


2. Perfume

A nice fragrance can level-up the mood of any date. Sell sweet, spicy, fruity, fresh, and every kind of scents in your selection for both men and women, and offer them at a reasonable price. People buy perfume for themselves too to be their best self, moreover, they also purchase these products for their loved ones too. It is a great gift if they know what kind of scents their significant other is a fan of.


Perfume to Sell

3. Massage Products

Convince your customers to buy massage products from you. It is an amazing gift idea you can recommend your audience to buy for their partner. It is not something that is to be kept on the shelf and watch all the time. It is good for the body and soul too to give and to receive massage for the person you are in love with. You can sell massage oils and massage tools in your online store.


4. Candle

For a romantic night, candles are essential. You can let your customers choose from scented or non-scented candles, simple ones or pieces that have a nice design, moreover you an offer them in various colors. Candles fit different kinds of online stores so you can include them in your product selection for sure.


5. Chocolate, Candy

Chocolate and candy are two of the most popular gifts people purchase for their partner, even for their family members, friends, and co-workers. Sell special sweets in your online store that you would also buy for someone you love. Do not stick with the most basic bar of chocolates and pralines, find suppliers from who you can get special chocolate and candy as well.


Teddy Bear to Sell

6. Teddy Bear

Men of every age like to buy teddy bears to surprise their girlfriend or wife on Valentine’s Day. You can sell small or huge teddy bears and different kinds of stuffed animals holding a plush heart or rose in your online store. Moreover, a small piece can belong to a keyring too. It is also a product you can sell in any kind of e-store, no matter what you are selling. You can remind people who buy anything from your store to buy a lovely teddy bear too for Valentine’s Day.


7. Pretty, Elegant Clothing

People like dressing up in pretty and elegant clothes for a date on Valentine’s Day. When you choose which pieces of cloth to highlight in your fashion online store consider the weather conditions of your target audience’s location. Also, make sure the style is trending and is pretty, elegant for this occasion. Offer different styles of clothing pieces so everyone can find their favorite pieces in your online store.


8. Jewelry

Jewelry is another one of the most popular Valentine’s Day gifts all over the world. For women, it is a great and romantic surprise. It can be a pretty necklace, a bracelet, earrings, or even a ring. You can sell brooches and cufflinks too. Make sure you implement all those jewelry in your store that first of all fits your business, secondly there is a demand for that style of pieces from customers in this season.


Jewelry to Sell

9. Adult Products

We know it is not a kind of product you could include in just any kind of online store. We also know you cannot create ads about adult products. However, if you are selling a wide variety of items in your e-store, or you can connect these products in any way to your offers, you should definitely consider selling them. What kind of adult products you can sell for your customers to help them make Valentine’s Day as exciting and special as possible? Well, for example, condoms, oils, and lubricants, sex toys, edible products. You can find a large selection of adult items in Syncee Marketplace!


10. Photo Frame

People like surprising their loved ones with personal gifts. Help them creating them, and provide classic or even digital photo frames in your online store so they can put their lovely photos in them. When you are deciding which photo frames to highlight in your store think about your complete audience and their different tastes. Sell photo frames in different kinds of styles, from simple to kitschy.


11. Bath Bomb

Bath bombs and body sets are not for only those who are looking for Valentine’s Day gifts for their significant others. People also like spending this evening having a relaxing time themselves. Moreover, it is also a nice gift idea for those who are looking for products for their friends or family members. Bath bombs can be sold in any kind of e-store. They not just look amazing but make sure the user of it has a relaxing and wonderful time.


Bath Bombs to Sell

12. Keychain

Another product that is easy to ship, which can be sold at a reasonable price, and which is popular every year around Valentine’s Day. You can sell pretty keychains for both men and women in different styles to help your customers pick one that can be the most personal choice for their partner, friend, or family member. These can be diamond ring keychain, one with the moon on it, with flower, with heart, with the name written, and basically anything.


13. Wine Glasses

With wine glasses, you can target a wider audience. It is a great gift idea, and it is also good for those who are preparing for a romantic date where wine glasses are essential to drink delicious nectar from. You can find basic, but also special kind of wine glasses in suppliers’ selection. You should consider selling a wider range of these products to make sure anyone will find the style they will fall in love with for the first sight.


14. Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards are one of the most popular gifts for decades. It is a sweet idea and can be also a side-gift with the main Valentine’s Day gift. It can be personalized, people can write kind lines in it, and can even create poems to add to it. Gift cards are products you can include definitely in any kind of online store. Remind your customers of Valentine’s Day, and make them get these products from you beside any other item they chose from your store originally.


Gift Cards to Sell

What else can you sell? Your winning products this year can be projectors to watch movies in a nostalgic but romantic way, romance DVDs, valentine t-shirts, romantic novels, eternal roses, fancy bulbs, decor lights, and decorating materials, DIY craft products, and any kind of rose, or heart patterned products, and if you can solve it, real flowers.

Make a Special Twist On Your Valentine’s Day Offerings

What if you sold non-typical Valentine’s Day products? Not everyone is a fan of this holiday, but you can awaken those people’s interest too to purchase your products who don’t want to buy romantic products. Position yourself on the market with these “unique” Valentine’s Day goods. Say that what you are selling is better than preserved rose gift boxes. You can use this marketing trick also if you are selling products that originally have nothing to do with Valentine’s Day and gifts.

There are also many people who love treating themselves with bath and other relaxing products on Valentine’s Day, or who get together with their friends, and who give Anti-Valentine’s Day gifts. Consider offering products for them too.

Find Valentine’s Day products in Syncee Marketplace, and fill your online store in time for this special period in just a few clicks. Well-vetted suppliers are waiting for you!

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